Lifestyle Coaching
“The sanitarium is a broad missionary field.”
- FE 390.1 –
This 25-week session provides practical apprenticeship training in connection with our Lifestyle Center as preparation for service as Health Evangelists using God’s simple remedies.
God's Healing Program
As our example, Christ linked closely together the work of healing and teaching, and in this our day they should not be separated. In our schools and sanitariums, nurses should be trained to go out as medical missionary evangelists. They should unite the teaching of the gospel of Christ with the work of healing.​
The Lord has instructed us that with our training-schools there should be connected small sanitariums, that the students may have opportunity to gain a knowledge of medical missionary work.
- SpTB12x 7-

Principle Classes
True Education
Ministry of Healing
Christian Association
Prophetic Guidance
Bible Classes
Knowing God's Will
Upon This Rock
Holy Spirit
Last Day Events
Practical Classes
Mission Health Care
Auto Maintenance
Mental Health Classes
Mental Health
Spiritualism and New Age
Health Talks
Learn how to give Health
Talks and Presentations
Hands-on Ministry
a minimum of 4 hours of weekly volunteer service in our Lifestyle Center, plus no more than 12 hours of weekly volunteer service in a self-supporting ministry
Health Classes
Physiology & Anatomy
Lifestyle Diseases